Saga Robotics

Saga Robotics is the company responsible for the design, development, and production of the world-leading agricultural robot, Thorvald. The company's aim is to develop robotic solutions that address the growing labour shortages in agriculture, as well as making agriculture more sustainable and energy efficient. Saga Robotics have developed an autonomous and completely self-propelled robot that uses advanced algorithms to navigate in challenging conditions found on farms. Saga Robotics is also involved in several projects where they develop tools for strawberry picking, weeding, crop prediction and much more.

The first Thorvald robot was built in Norway in 2014, and there are now more than 50 of them in operation in five different countries. The company has received support from Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Research Council, Innovate UK and the EU's Horizon 2020 program. Saga Robotics have a close collaboration with Berry Gardens Growers who are also an early adopter of the technology. The technology has been developed in collaboration with NMBU, University of Lincoln, Cornell University, University of Florida, and others. For more information visit:

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